Today I mailed off the initial paperwork for my work contract. I filled out four CERFA forms, which wasn't too difficult, except for the part where I had to make my American phone number fit into twelve squares. I turned to Claire for help on this part. She ever so cleverly suggested to put 01 before my area code. It's nice having someone along for the ride with me :) Now I still just have to wait... I wish there was more I could do now, but I'm just continuing to practice patience.
In other news, I have officially made a Top 3 list!
1. Madrid
2. Venice & Florence
3. Prague
I don't know if I can choose numbers 4 and 5. Heck, I couldn't even put just one place for the second spot! So I think I'll simply make a list of all the places I would like to visit and will allow myself to see them after I have visited my first three. Here are my other thoughts:
I'm already for sure visiting Athens and Santorini in Greece with Claire in September!
Other places I really want to see include Amsterdam, Auschwitz, Vienna, the Alps, Belgium, and Luxembourg, and I honestly haven't seen much of France, so it's a goal of mine to travel the country. Oh me oh my. A girl can dream...
This post made me laugh! I'm really excited to travel with you. We need to start looking more into our Italy Tour 2012 :)